Guadalajara Reporter

Jan 16th
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Home Opinion Viewpoints A factual response to democratically yours

A factual response to democratically yours

I am a physician, with thirty years experience in emergency medicine, family practice and occupational medicine, and find that Obama Care (Affordable Care Act — ACA) that was rammed down our throats is even more onerous now that we have been allowed to read it.

Govt vs personal liberty

Obama Care is a huge step backward from personal liberty into a federal government (Big Brother) takeover of 16% of the American economy. It is the antithesis of the patient-centered reform, which would empower Americans to truly control their own healthcare. ACA places more restrictions on both patients and their physicians; restricts competition, stifles innovation, and increases costs for everyone. The introduction of new bureaucracies, including the Health Benefits Advisory Committee, the Health Choices Administration, and the Health Choices Commission, are but a few of the agencies that will stand between you and your physician’s ability to chart the course of your medical care. In all there are 159 new or expanded bureaucracies, along with 16,000 new IRS agents to manage what is destined to become a second-rate health care system. This system also mandates that your medical records be available electronically to all of their employees.

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