Guadalajara Reporter

Jan 27th
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Home Opinion Viewpoints IFE, counting votes & the awakening dinosaur

IFE, counting votes & the awakening dinosaur

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) was well within his rights to demand a recount after thousands of “anomalies” were detected in many of the 140,000-plus polling station returns submitted after Sunday’s presidential election.

But rather than criticize the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE), he should thank them for digitally photographing the returns and posting them on the Internet for public perusal for the first time ever in a Mexican election.

Arguably, the dunces were Lopez Obrador’s own “observers” who spent the day watching over the voting process and failed to notice the errors on the returns. Few of them, if any, registered complaints at the time – as they were entitled to do – instead signing the returns without checking them thoroughly.

It goes to prove that in the heat and emotion of an exhausting election jornada (day), mistakes can be made that in the cold light of morning are noticed somewhat more quickly. Rather like proof reading a newspaper, actually!

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