Guadalajara Reporter

Jan 16th
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Letters to the Editor

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Insurance query

Dear Sir,

I am 77 and have lived in Chapala for over 15 years. I have IMSS medical insurance and am pleased with it.  I do not have Medicare.  I own no property nor financial accounts in the United States.  I pay no state income tax since my domicile is here in Mexico. I do file and pay federal tax, but have gotten a refund every year for 15 years.  I am retired military but get no health benefits from them although I was promised back when I joined that I would.

None of us want to live in fear for ourselves or our Mexican neighbors

Dear Sir,

Reporter headline:  “Putting the record straight, Chapala expats debunk mass exodus myth: ‘We’re staying put.’”

We will definitely not be “Flying the Friendly Skies of United” in the future

Dear Sir,

We recently arrived at the Guadalajara airport for our return flight to Toronto. We had purchased return tickets from United Airlines in December, which included a 220-dollar return airfare for our dog to travel with us in the cabin.

If you insist on behaving like a complete idiot, please do not broadcast your Canadian origins.

Dear Sir,

With reference to the story in last week’s Reporter regarding the woman who was stopped in Chapala for not wearing her seat belt.  The facts seem quite clear: she broke the law, she got caught and she was rude and arrogant. To the woman I can say only, “If you insist on behaving like a complete idiot, please do not broadcast your Canadian origins. I am not you; I don’t even want to know you. You know that if you pulled the same stunt in Canada, you would quite possibly end up in jail.”  To Señor Magaña, on behalf of Canadians everywhere, I apologize and commend your restraint in not giving her what she so richly deserved.

The behavior of that one individual does not portray the feelings and attitude of the majority of expatriates living at Lakeside.

Dear Sir,

On behalf of the majority of Canadians and Americans, I would like to apologize to Mr. Hector Magaña for the behavior that he had to endure as described in last week’s Reporter.  I believe that the behavior of that one individual does not portray the feelings and attitude of the majority of expatriates living at Lakeside. We feel comfortable being guests here in Mexico and respect the laws that we now live under.  Mr. Magana, please understand that the one individual who acted as she did does not represent the typical expatriate.

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