Guadalajara Reporter

Jan 26th
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Home Opinion Letters When will the media report violence in the US?

When will the media report violence in the US?

Dear Sir,

I’m waiting.  In fact, I’ve been waiting patiently for a couple of weeks now.  Cannot understand the delay as normally, at such news, the press and U.S. State Department are issuing all sorts of notices and warnings. But this time, nothing. Nada.

Within the past 14 days there have been numerous shootings with many dead and injured but we have yet to see a bulletin warning Mexicans, Canadians, Asians and Europeans not to travel to the United States.  In  Chicago, 19 people shot and 13 dead in a supermarket.  In New Jersey,  within the past week three people killed and who knows how many injured in drive-by shootings. So far this year 348 people have been killed and  eight injured in drive-by shootings in the United States.  (Statistics quoted from BBC World.)

The State Department and media are so dedicated and reliable in reporting killings in Mexico and advising people not to travel here, I’m sure they will be just as responsible in reporting to the world about similar problems in the United States, as it is such a dangerous place to be.

I’m waiting patiently as I know the warnings will surely arrive, just as they do when similar events occur in Mexico.

John Standen, Chula Vista.



0 # RE: When will the media report violence in the US?Guest 2012-09-20 13:06
john, 1) has it occured to you that tourists are not vacationing in the dangerous parts of new jersey? (or other states). all of this IS reported in the papers. its douteful that tour companies promoting those high crime US places, or dealing w/hotels near by. take a look @ the package deals for europeans & s. americans. jersey is not included etc. 2) people come to mexico for beach, historical sites. the violence here is part of the drug culture, similar to border towns in the US. it is an on going thing. as you also know, few criminals in mexico are prosecuted. armed robberies go un punished as well as most murders. its a different system than united states. there are some safe areas in mexico to travel, but not all. much of mexico has changed drasically from 20 or 40 years ago. look how much guadalajara has changed.
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