Guadalajara Reporter

Jan 26th
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Home Opinion Letters Maybe “Love in Action” should change its name to “Bigotry in Action.”

Maybe “Love in Action” should change its name to “Bigotry in Action.”

Dear Sir,

Maybe “Love in Action” should change its name to “Bigotry in Action.” Throughout the article in last week’s Reporter (“Feud over mission statement …”), the context was religious bigotry instead of what was good for the children. Given a chance, the Christian leaders would rather destroy the shelter than take it in a non-religious direction.

Years ago, when I lived in Mobile, Alabama, I fought for children’s rights in the local and state governments. The people I was fighting were members of Christian churches. So-called “Christian Family Values” support child abuse and neglect in all forms. No child should be forced to partake in any religious sacrament.  Forcing the Protestant religion on Catholic children is a form of child abuse, or vice versa. If prayers worked, the children would not need Love in Action.

Hank Shiver



-1 # Who are the bigots here?Mainecoons 2012-09-09 10:58
The people who got their knickers in a knot because they couldn't change the long standing Mission Statement of LIA?

I'll ask you the same question, sir. Please document for us any change at LIA regarding the handling of religion.

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0 # A FelpGuest 2012-09-20 10:21
Since Summer Phillips and Kari Romey came to LiA a drastic move was made toward total control by Born Again Christians. Posts to volunteers asking $2300US so two girls from LiA could go do mission work in South America, compulsory prayer sessions at 6AM, moves to self educate on site to remove kids from the "Evil" school system, funds raised to send girls to a Christian Conference all at a time when funds are greatly needed for basic things. New BOD formed with only Church members. Reemergence of the "Punishment Stick" with Bible quotes inscribed, a past complaint was filed with EJAS, yet Summer denies its very existence. LiA was founded by Anabel a pastor’s wife who taught spiritual principles had Christian teaching groups and yes the kids went exclusively to her church and the entire past BoD was fine with that. LiA HAD a BoD made up of very successful people from very diverse backgrounds and belief systems. They brought accountability, funds, guidance to LiA, all gone.
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