Dear Sir,
I would like to respond to the article “Lakeside traffic chief gets a dose of road rage.”
First, I would like to apologize to Hector Magaña Rios on behalf of the “not rude” Canadians. Canadians pride themselves on being polite, but there are always exceptions. The unnamed female in the story is fortunate to remain so. She is not only socially ignorant but is also lacking common sense.
The woman points out that several other vehicles committing the same infraction passed by while she was pulled over and asks why they too were not pulled over. Common sense would tell you how unsafe it would be for both the officer and herself should the officer take his focus off one individual and try to “nab” several at the same time. The woman complains that she is being racially profiled. This is nonsense. Though I’ve not been in the Lakeside area for too many years, I can say I see far more Mexican-plated vehicles pulled over by police than foreign-plated vehicles. The woman points out the pick-up trucks with people in the back and why don’t police ticket them? Simply put this woman needs to learn the local law if she’s going to mouth off. The pickup trucks with people in the back are perfectly legal under most circumstances here in Mexico. Learn Mexican law!
Since every Canadian province requires the use of seat belts, why would this woman be surprised at being pulled over for non-use? Is she one of the many who come down to Mexico with a “superior” attitude and poor driving skills? Having been on the “enforcement” end of things I can tell you that this woman is displaying what has become all too common among those who are caught violating traffic laws. They look for every excuse as to why the officer is wrong, why they are innocent and usually become inexcusably rude.
Personally I feel that given the resources available to the traffic police, they do a great job and I appreciate seeing them pull over any vehicle that is committing a driving infraction. Without them the roads would be chaos.
Liam Lowe,
San Antonio Tlayacapan
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