Guadalajara Reporter

Jan 26th
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Home Opinion Letters IMSS application process discouraging, to say the least.

IMSS application process discouraging, to say the least.

Dear Sir:

My husband and I applied for IMSS through the Chapala office in May 2011.  We followed every instruction to the letter … completing applications, paying fees, getting blood, urine and ECG tests, keeping detailed records of every visit, and making multiple copies of every document.  Based on my ECG test, and saying that I had a heart problem, IMSS sent me to Tlajomulco to see a cardiologist who looked at the very same ECG printout and said, “I don’t know why they sent you to me.  This is perfectly normal.”

We visited the Chapala office a total of ten times, usually (but not always) with a translator.  In most cases, weeks or months elapsed before we could get our next appointment for the next step.  Over this period, they lost paperwork, deleted my husband from their system, required that we make an appointment in advance in order to deliver paperwork, and otherwise delayed a decision on our acceptance.  Last week, a year after our initial application, they informed us that my husband was rejected due to diabetes (that they discovered but for which they provided no medical advice or assistance) … but I was accepted.

This week, I went back to get my final documents and show proof of payment for this year.  I was then informed that I would have to have my tests re-done at a different medical lab because the lab in Chapala to which I was sent is apparently not acceptable to IMSS.  The same lab had done tests for both my husband and myself.  IMSS accepted his results from that lab, and therefore rejected him from IMSS for having diabetes.  The results for me were good, but IMSS would not accept my results.  Discouraging, to say the least.

Karen Lowe


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