Guadalajara Reporter

Jan 26th
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Home Opinion Letters We should remember that we are tolerated here as guests.

We should remember that we are tolerated here as guests.

Dear Sir,

As fairly new retirees to the area, we enjoy our daily walk with our dog along the splendid Malecon at Ajijic.

Our joy, however, is diminished by the number of times that we see other dog owners failing to pick up after their dog has emptied anywhere it feels inclined to do so.

Sadly, the owners appear to be almost all “gringos.” This really is quite disgusting, particularly as the dogs frequently soil areas that local children play in.

I feel this shows complete disrespect for the beautiful area that we live in. We should remember that we are tolerated here as guests.

My recommendation to the local authorities would be to impose a strictly applied penalty to any person that is seen to not clear up after their dog has emptied anywhere in the area. I believe the penalty should be no less than 1,000 pesos, if it has to have any effect.

Louis Solomon



0 # "tolerated"Guest 2012-06-14 13:49
I take exception to your use of the word "tolerated." I don't feel tolerated in Mexico. Rather, I feel welcomed. I am a foreign resident and have the same rights and responsibilitie s as any national. Except that I cannot get involved in political activities. I have also seen more Nationals leave their dog droppings, for my shoes to collect, than Anglo's. To suggest a fine of $1000p is rather extreme, as I'm sure your aware of the value of that amount to a national. And where are the resources to come from to enforce your proposal. Or are you proposing to just enforce this penalty against Anglo dog owners? Maybe you could take a step back and consider the ramifications of your proposal. Carry a doggy bag with you and do your share to clean up your neighborhood. If you witness someone allowing their pet to poop without pickup, politely point out their responsibility as a pet owner. Perhaps wave a doggie bag and point to the offending mess. Buena suerte
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