Guadalajara Reporter

Jan 26th
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Home Opinion Letters Thank you and goodbye

Thank you and goodbye

Dear Sir,

Soon we will be leaving Ajijic forever due to severe health concerns for my husband.  Before we go I need to send out a huge thank you to this wonderful community.  Without you we would have been lost.

My husband suffered a massive stroke nearly a year ago and because this was not his first one, we were without insurance. Medical costs were insurmountable and our retirement resources had nearly gone due to economic crises in the United States.  This community and several groups stepped up and helped us with much of the costs and also helped in endless ways to support me while I was struggling to deal with my invalided husband.

Although there is not enough space in this newspaper to list everyone who helped us, I would like to include as many as possible.  To Sally Jo Bartlett, Kathleen Morris, Collette Clavendisher, and Margaret Ruppelt, thank you so much for putting on the wonderful fundraiser at Manix Restaurant and thank you to all those who participated.  To my Lakeside Caregivers Support Group who have helped me cope with insurmountable problems and grief, thank you, thank you.  To Riviera Alta community, each and every one of you have been a blessing in so many, many ways.  I thank you so much.  To Marty and Jerry and Judy and Dennis, we thank you for being our friends in all of this.  And to Jorge Ulloa thank you for being the best physical therapist ever.  Lastly, thank you to our dear helper, Alex Fernandez.  What a joy you have been to us.

This has been such a wonderful paradise for us.  We are sorry to be leaving you. Thank you Lakeside community.  We wish you all well.

Don and Kathleen Argabright



0 # Re:Thank You and Goodbye. May 11, 2012sadsister 2012-07-14 19:49
I am happy to hear your community rallied around you in your time of need. I have known Kathleen Morris my entire life and was not surprised to hear she was among them. I know the altruistic side she likes people to see and the cold and hateful side she has shown to most of her family. As the self appointed caretaker of my mother and her estate she sold all her property and forced her to move to Mexico. During a phone conversation with my mother she expressed concern that “Kathy may find out” we spoke. Why was she afraid of Kathleen, and to talk to her other children? I wish now I had questioned it more. Months later I called and the phone had been disconnected and the house sold! My sisters and I had no idea where our mother was. We came to learn, shortly after my mother was taken to Mexico she was suddenly DEAD! We learned this sometime later from one of my other sisters attorney. We have never ever heard from Kathleen and that was over 12 years ago! What kind of a person does this?!
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