Dear Sir,
I for one am relieved the Community Awards have been postponed. I was thrilled when I heard I had been nominated, but much less so when I saw I was ‘competing’ with Moonjeen King and her community centre in Tepehua. How do you choose between needy, battered women and needy, battered animals? They all desperately need our help.
However, I am very grateful for the nomination and honoured to have been mentioned with Moonjeen. It brings awareness and credibility to what we want to achieve – that such projects are possible, that they work and that they deserve the support of the community. I want to thank everyone who was there when we were in Tepehua with our spay-and-neuter campaign. You all helped to make it such a success. But there is still a lot of work to be done. I hope you will all be there for the next one at the Casa Ejidal in Santa Cruz, Chapala March 2, 3 and 4.
Lucille van Straaten
Lakeside Spay and Neuter Center
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