Guadalajara Reporter

Nov 05th
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Home Opinion Letters Thank you Linda Fosse

Thank you Linda Fosse

Dear Sir,

We would like to thank Linda Fosse and her committee for all they have done, and continue to do, to make our community safe from the horrific crimes that have plagued us in recent weeks. Hopefully, the mayor, governor and police chief will take positive action, as they now understand our fears. If action is not taken, many people will leave this area for a safer home. This will be disastrous for this area, as millions of pesos will be lost and unemployment will be rampant.

Doug and Anita Beckingham



0 # Echoing your sentimentsPete Neri 2012-01-15 01:38
My belief is that, without the campaign/moveme nt/whatever spearheaded by Linda Fossi, the killers of Christopher Kahr in Ajijic would never have been apprehended
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