Dear Sir,
The Guadalajara Reporter gives generous publicity to a U.S. political group, the Tea Party, whose doings we are all able to follow in the news already. Why?
This article must have been written long ago before the current circus of GOTP candidates began their primary season. Each conservative presidential candidate has made a fool of themselves, crashing and burning in succession, while none has offered a single workable solution to the economic crisis of the United States. As Karen Cage made it crystal clear – their only agenda is to obstruct and defeat Obama. So far, their strategy is only backfiring.
The TP is obsessed with “low government,” seeking a fantasy-based return to days of yore, when the economy was primarily agricultural, people grew and made most of their things, and half of the states/colonies utilized slave labor on their plantations.
In reality, the catastrophic economic crash of Fall 2008 was caused by the highly devious and convoluted mortgage/credit/banking/investment/derivative scams perpetrated by Wall St. fraudsters, seemingly designed to coincide with the inevitable election of a Democrat that year, making it easy to dump the mess into his lap.
The ability to carry out these schemes was caused by too little regulation, not too much. The greedy perps pulled it off simply because they could. Most of the population has severely paid, directly or indirectly, via the ripple effects.
A significant portion of the “high government spending” of Obama was the cost of the Iraq War, which had been financed by loans from China . At least five years ago, the news was out that the horribly misbegotten Iraq War was costing the U.S. a billion dollars per week, and that the projected costs would come to at least one trillion. Where was the outcry from the fiscal conservatives then?
We already have abundant proof that tax cuts for the rich do not help the economy or create jobs. That myth is perpetrated to the ignorant so they will blindly support what is now becoming the tiny, wealthy ruling class. It’s common knowledge that the Tea Party, itself, is bankrolled by the billionaire Koch brothers.
Wages have stagnated for the great majority of workers since the Reagan days, but have gone up astronomically for the already wealthy, mostly comprised of corporate CEOs who pay themselves extravagant salaries and bonuses (even if they are fired!), which they hardly pay fair taxes on. But, where are the jobs? Corporate profits are at an all time high while the rest of the country suffers.
Fiscal responsibility can only be achieved by raising taxes on the already wealthy, as supported by the majority of the U.S. voters in poll after poll. A failing business would seek to raise revenues as well as cut costs.
Karen Cage states that her father paid for her college, car, and apartment. In her spirit of “personal responsibility” – did she ever pay him back?
Micki Wendt, Ajijic
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