Guadalajara Reporter

Nov 05th
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Home Opinion Letters Ajijic must emulate cleaner towns

Ajijic must emulate cleaner towns

Dear Sir,

Recently, a group of people from the Lake Chapala Society were invited to spend the day in Tepatitlan, a town in Jalisco with 100,000 inhabitants. What struck me and a number of others was how clean the town was – I only saw one piece of garbage in the street the entire time we were there.

Tepatitlan is not the only clean Mexican town; Mazamitla is another one that comes immediately to mind.  This raises the question why Ajijic is allowed to be as scruffy as it is? There is rubbish in the streets, dogs’ mess on the sidewalks, and where garbage cans are provided, they are frequently overflowing and the resulting mess not cleaned up.

It would seem that with a little time and effort and some money well spent, there is no reason why Ajijic could not take its place among clean and tidy Mexican towns and villages like Tepatitlan and Mazamitla.

Christopher Manning, Ajijic


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