Guadalajara Reporter

Jan 16th
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US Consulate reaches out to voters

US Consulate reaches out to voters

With the United States presidential election barely four weeks away, time is running short for American citizens living abroad to cast their votes by absentee ballot.

Tequila firms eye Bollywood, massive Indian market

Watch a Bollywood movie in the near future and you may recognize the scenery – or at least spot some familiar alcoholic brands.

State seeks more foreign students

With the aim of attracting more foreign students, the state government launched an international campaign entitled “Jalisco, your educational destination,” last week.

Fines for phoning while driving in Jalisco among lowest in nation

Jalisco drivers caught talking with cellphone in hand could soon face stronger punishments, as state authorities seek to boost road safety.

Municipal debt mounts up as new mayors take office

After Jalisco’s 125 new mayors are sworn in on Monday, October 1, they will soon discover that their predecessors have left millions or in some cases billions of pesos of municipal debt.

Thousands of cops deemed ‘untrustworthy’

Thousands of cops deemed ‘untrustworthy’

A newly mandated series of background checks raised serious concerns over the trustworthiness of Mexico’s law enforcement officers.

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