A steady downpour dampened New Year’s celebrations in Guadalajara, with 2013 beginning just as 2012 had ended – in cold and wet conditions.
A steady downpour dampened New Year’s celebrations in Guadalajara, with 2013 beginning just as 2012 had ended – in cold and wet conditions.
According to Mexican folk wisdom, this week’s rash of soggy weather hold clues for predicting climatic conditions that will prevail over the coming months of 2013.
Christmas cheer was in short supply this year as a wave of violence swept the borders of Jalisco and Michoacan from Sunday through Tuesday.
Fitch has dramatically downgraded its credit rating for the state of Jalisco following the state government’s default on a 1.4-billion-peso loan contracted to help pay for the 2011 Pan American Games.
Twenty people were killed in clashes between police and armed criminals along the border between Jalisco and Michoacan on Sunday.
Europeans are getting a chance to see the unique Volkswagen Sedan decorated with thousands of tiny beads by Huichol Indians from Jalisco.