Guadalajara Reporter

Nov 05th
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Home News Regional Dry law in force this weekend

Dry law in force this weekend

Canadians (and others) wishing to celebrate their national day on Sunday with alcohol should load up on adult beverages before the introduction of ley seca (dry law), which forbids booze sales on election day and in the period leading up to the vote.

Unlike Canada and the United States, where dry laws have largely been repealed, all Mexican jurisdictions prohibit the sale of alcohol during elections.

Liquor sales will cease in the metropolitan area of Guadalajara on Saturday, June 30, 12:01 a.m. and be in effect for 48 hours.  Dry law in Chapala and other Jalisco municipalities will be enforced during the same time period.

The ban lasts until just after midnight on Sunday, July 1, six hours after the polls close.

The measure applies to all establishments, including bars, restaurants, hotels, liquor stores and supermarkets. All municipal governments in Jalisco are obliged to enforce the disposition, which is contained in the state’s Ley Sobre Venta y Consumo de Bebidas Alcoholicas (Law Concerning the Sale and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages).



0 # ConfusingGuest 2012-06-29 15:12
"The ban lasts until just after midnight on Sunday, July 1"

This should read July 2nd because it's after midnight. It confused me and might confuse others...
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