Mexicans are known for experiencing hard times with a smile on their face and sometimes a joke to share. “Septihambre” is slang for September, where hambre, meaning hunger, makes light of the reality that this month, more than any other, is the most difficult economically for businesses owners, their employees and their families.
Action For Food, sponsored by the non-profit community organization PEACE, focuses on assisting families at a time when they desperately need a hand. In a tourist destination like the Northshore of the Banderas Bay area, restaurants, hotels and other tourism services are all witnessing their lowest business volumes during the “low season” of the summer months. During that period, families have been forced to use up most of whatever they may have had in savings. Any money left at all has to be spent to buy school supplies for their children returning to class this month. That’s the reason PEACE has enlisted the help of the community to organize a special month-long project to collect and distribute food and supplies for people in need, in a dignified way, while producing environmentally-friendly communities.
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