Guadalajara Reporter

Nov 05th
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Home News Pacific Coast An eyewitness in Manzanillo

An eyewitness in Manzanillo

An eyewitness account of the storm in Manzanillo revealed impressive community preparation: “Never have there been seen so many electricity trucks on the boulevard waiting, which they were at 7 a.m. on Tuesday. Windows of restaurants and stores were taped and sandbags piled up in front of Office Depot in readiness,” said Freda Rumford, a British resident of the resort and editor of Manzanillo Sun E magazine.

“In Manzanillo, the damage is mostly nuisance with tons of mud deposited in the Salagua area and the pretty new roads, just completed, don’t look so pretty anymore. Trees have been uprooted and now cleared from the blocked streets and the Las Hadas Golf course is now Lago de Las Hadas.”

But it was not all bad news, said Rumford: “In the midst of all this hiatus, one group was happy. They were the surfers who took advantage of the higher than usual waves pounding the now sandless beaches.”


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