Guadalajara Reporter

Jan 16th
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Major parties sign president’s ‘Pact for Mexico’

Major parties  sign president’s  ‘Pact for Mexico’

As President Obama wrestled with the fiscal cliff standoff in the United States, Mexico’s newly elected chief executive flew the flag for  “tripartisanship,” signing the “Pact for Mexico” within 24 hours of his inauguration.

IMSS facing financial meltdown

IMSS facing financial meltdown

Mexico’s massive public healthcare institute isin a desperate financial situation with 88 percent of its budget destined for salaries and pensions.

Pemex discovers major oil field

State-owned oil monopoly Pemex has made the biggest discovery of petroleum in Mexico in the last decade, President Felipe Calderon announced on Sunday.  Initial estimates suggest the Navegante 1 field in Tabasco will yield from 500 million to one billion barrels of crude oil.

Calderon to draw massive state pension

Upon leaving office on Saturday, President Felipe Calderon will be entitled to a larger pension than any former president in the United States, Europe or Latin America.

Mexico opens new chapter as Enrique Peña Nieto takes helm of ship of state

Mexico opens new chapter as Enrique Peña Nieto takes helm of ship of state

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, Canadian Governor General David Johnston and Prince Felipe of Spain are among the dignitaries due to attend the inauguration of Enrique Peña Nieto in Mexico City on Saturday, December 1.

Electoral Institute destroys ballots

In an act that will do little to assuage conspiracy theorists’ doubts over the legitimacy of Enrique Peña Nieto’s victory in Mexico’s presidential election, every ballot paper is being destroyed.

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