Guadalajara Reporter

Nov 05th
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Home News Lake Chapala

Lake Chapala

Mayor takes leave of absence

Chapala Mayor Jesus Cabrera has taken an official leave of absence, effective Thursday, December 8.

Security meeting plays to mixed reviews

Nearly everyone talking about lakeside’s December 7 public security meeting has expressed awe at the stunning turnout.

Anti-crime forum draws massive expat crowd

A sea of people – estimated  at between 1,000 and 1,500 – filled the lakefront terrace of the Hotel Real de Chapala Wednesday, December 7 for a public meeting called to air ideas for battling crime in the wake of the recent murder of Ajijic resident Christopher Kahr.

Chapala mayor calls town meeting to build common front against criminals

Reeling from the shocking news of a murder in their midst, Ajijic’s business and expatriate communities mobilized to gain an audience with the Chapala Mayor and demand a head-on battle against the criminal elements that have annihilated all sense of peace and security in the north shore corridor.

American slain in botched Ajijic robbery

A U.S. citizen was murdered in the carport of his Ajijic home during an attempted robbery Tuesday, November 29.

Chapala hosts exercise in electronic voting

Hundreds of lakeside residents and visiting tourists out cruising Chapala’s waterfront Saturday, November 19 got a crack at letting their fingers do the voting in a trial run of the electronic ballot system to be employed in 43 Jalisco municipalities during the 2012 state electoral process.

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