Guadalajara Reporter

Nov 04th
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Home News Lake Chapala Feud over mission statement rocks Love in Action shelter

Feud over mission statement rocks Love in Action shelter

Disagreement over a change in the wording of the mission statement of the Love in Action Children’s Center (LiA) in Chapala has prompted six of its primary supporters to withdraw from the project.

The rift began when the current board of directors decided to put the words “Christ centered” back in the mission statement.

These words had been part of the statement for several years but were removed for a year on the advice of LiA Advisory Council members, who felt they might offend some supporters and diminish financial aid.  Instead, the words “Christian ethics” were employed in the values statement, but not as the primary mission.

Several meetings were held to try and resolve the differences and another was planned when Kari Romey, a relative newcomer to Lakeside and a missionary from Indiana, placed a request for prayer on the Deeper Water Ministries website. The prayer called for their followers to pray that the current LiA board of directors would win “the spiritual battle,” adding that “we refuse to allow the enemy to steal, kill or destroy what God has orchestrated.”

The posting prompted members of the Advisory Council, who now perceived themselves as the “enemy,” to break with the Chapala organization.

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-2 # RE: Feud over mission statement rocks Love in Action shelterDaniel Houck 2012-09-01 05:58
How sad; a mistake is made, an offense taken, an apology given but not accepted. Where are the children in all of this? If these people "worked hard" for these kids, how can they now abandon them, thus retraumatizing them. "The ball was rolling too fast to stop."? Never, heal the wounds folks, these kids deserve better.
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0 # RE: Feud over mission statement rocks Love in Action shelterGabriel Heiser 2012-09-03 23:11
If the Board of Directors wishes to promote a Christ-centered facility, then they should do it openly and honestly, which is what they finally did. Unfortunately, such wording will distance those who do not share their faith. But should the directors omit it just to be more inclusive and obtain more volunteers and financial contributions? In a way, that would be "selling out," would it not? Those of other faiths--or of no faith--will correctly feel themselves excluded and to the extent that this is a sudden change, they will feel betrayed and blind-sided. Something like this needs to made clear from the get-go to avoid such problems.
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+2 # X VolunteerGuest 2012-09-05 13:00
The issue never was to oppose the many bible readings, prayer sessions and going to the Church who the founder and her husband run. It was regards LiA having its SOLE mission as a Christian Center whos primary goal was to convert the kids to born again christians as this was seen as their only hope to fit in and succeed when they leave. The leaders are so radicial that they are moving to doing on site education (read that as Christian Centered) to remove the kids from the "Evil" school system. Anotherwords its the same old deal Fundamentalists move in and thier mission is to convert the kids while being rigid to others views and thier beliefs getting rid of those who oppose thier views.
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