Although only one confirmed case of dengue fever has been reported in Chapala this year, health authorities have detected increasing local presence of the type of mosquito that spreads the unpleasant viral disease.
Jose de Jesus Gonzalez Rodriguez, director of Chapala’s state-operated Centro de Salud, called a press conference this week to announce a community-wide dengue awareness and prevention campaign to be launched immediately in cooperation with the municipal government. He said that the program was pulled together after the Jalisco health department set out traps at various key points to register a count of eggs laid by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, finding the highest incidence in central Chapala.
The thrust of the campaign is to encourage residents to help reduce proliferation of mosquitoes by eliminating focal points where the rainfall accumulates, providing an ideal medium for the insects to reproduce. They may also lay eggs in toilet tanks and on damp shower floors.
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