Guadalajara Reporter

Jan 16th
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Home News Guadalajara


Animals sacrificed

Guadalajara metro area municipalities sacrificed more than 12,000 dogs and cats in 2011 but sterilized only 7,300, according to the animal welfare group Proteccion Animal.

Book Fair tells grand prize winner to stay at home

Peruvian author Alfredo Bryce Echenique will not attend Guadalajara’s International Book Fair (FIL) to receive this year’s grand prize, after the organizing committee rescinded his invitation last week in an attempt to avoid further controversy.

City infested by hordes of flesh-hungry undead

City infested by hordes of flesh-hungry undead

Mexicans have a penchant for the theatrical and last weekend’s annual Zombie Parade gave many tortured souls an outlet for their imaginations.

New tunnel on Vallarta opens

New tunnel on Vallarta opens

State authorities Sunday opened the new tunnel on Avenida Vallarta at Ciudad Granja, making the busy Lazaro Cardenas-Vallarta corridor traffic light-free for the first time in its history.

Local scientists developing driverless cars

Local scientists developing driverless cars

Would you get in a driver-less car operated by a robot? UdeG academics have been working on this futuristic concept for 16 years.

Bus drivers targeted in string of killings

Around 100 members of the Bus Drivers Alliance protested outside the Palacio de Gobierno in downtown Guadalajara on Monday, following the murder of five city bus drivers in the past week.

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