Guadalajara Reporter

Jan 27th
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Home News Guadalajara Occupy Wall Street hits Avenida Chapultepec

Occupy Wall Street hits Avenida Chapultepec

The Jalisco Popular Assembly (APJ) activist group has erected a mini-pavilion of tents on the boulevard of Chapultepec.

The project, titled Ocupa Chapu, hopes to collect such local causes as the Huichol Indians’ fight over their sacred Wirikuta site, the pushback against the construction of a second Guadalajara-Chapala aqueduct, the El Zapotillo dam and others into one nebulous awareness-raising movement. APJ’s facebook page describes it as passive, apolitical and directed toward changes for a just and equal reality. Stop by until January 29 to participate in recycling, origami, book readings, and other activities.


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