Following up on the Reporter’s ongoing consultations with Chapala immigration office chief Juan Carlos Galvan, this week we delve into the different permit categories, referred to in the law as Condiciones de Estancia.
Following up on the Reporter’s ongoing consultations with Chapala immigration office chief Juan Carlos Galvan, this week we delve into the different permit categories, referred to in the law as Condiciones de Estancia.
As promised, Chapala’s National Immigration Institute (INM) office chief Juan Carlos Galvan sat down late last week for a Reporter interview to help clarify key points of confusion.
As Mexico’s new immigration law finally takes effect this month, confusion and consternation has spread like wildfire through expat enclaves across the nation.
For decades, Guadalajara’s Feria de Carton (Day of the Dead market) in the Parque Morelos on the Calzada Independencia has been the place to go for economical holiday knick-knacks.