Many Reporter readers will already know this but now it’s official: Mexico is one of the best places on earth to retire.
Last month, financial news website “The Daily Reckoning” ranked Mexico as the world’s third best destination in its annual retirement index.
The list of the top 19 retirement destinations was compiled over several months, based on a modest budget of less than 2,000 dollars a month. Each country was evaluated in eight categories: real estate, special retirement benefits, cost of living, ease of integration, entertainment and amenities, health care, retirement infrastructure and climate.
Latin America featured prominently on the list, with 12 of the top 19 destinations. Ecuador came first with a score of 91.1 out of 100, while Panama was second with 90.4.
Thanks to its pleasant year-round climate and the low costs of health care and real estate, Mexico scored 89.6, proving that it remains a highly desirable place to live, despite recent U.S. travel warnings.
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