The other day, still in an early morning daze, I dashed out of the house to do a few errands. As soon as I got to my first destination I realized I had left my cell phone behind, recharging on the bedside table.
The other day, still in an early morning daze, I dashed out of the house to do a few errands. As soon as I got to my first destination I realized I had left my cell phone behind, recharging on the bedside table.
Dime como hablas y te dire quien eres (Tell me how you talk and I’ll tell you who you are) is a popular Mexican dicho (saying) that aptly underlies, from a proverbial viewpoint, the difference in the use of language between Mexicans and foreigners.
One of the terrific things about living at lakeside – or almost anywhere in Mexico for that matter – is being able to fuel up on nutritious snacks at the drop of a sombrero.
In this monthly series, the Guadalajara Reporter republishes a few of the headlines from its February editions 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 years ago.
What the devil happened to the world’s best climate?
Logging on to Facebook early this week, I was greeted with a personalized “Happy Friends Day” message, posted to mark the 12th birthday of the acknowledged leader in social media.
January 6, The Colony Reporter completed two full years of publication. Editor Bob Thurston remembered some of the accomplishments and gains made.