Last updateFri, 04 Jul 2014 2pm

Metro area-churches slate Holy Week and Easter worship

St. Mark’s Anglican/Episcopal Church will have a garden procession on Palm Sunday, April 1, noon. During the service, the choir will sing seasonal music and hymns. This service is bilingual, English and Spanish. On Easter Sunday, April 8, a solemn bilingual Eucharist and Paschal candle lighting begins at 11 a.m. St. Mark’s eight-member choir, joined by additional singers and accompanied  by Ana Silvia Guerrero on the organ, will sing Mozart’s Exsultate Jubilate, Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus and many favorite hymns. Afterwards, an Easter egg hunt will be held in the garden and snacks served in the parish hall. Everyone is invited to St. Mark’s. Two-minute drive north of Plaza Mexico, on corner of Aztecas and Chichimecas in Colonia Monraz. www.stmarksanglican.com.

New tenant graces Chapalita Glorieta

A large house on the Chapalita Glorieta has been cleverly converted into a new Office Max store.

According to the company, the cost of renovating the building came to around 30 million pesos.  Every effort was made to maintain the integrity of the structure, they said.  The store has parking space to one side.

Eating options at the glorieta include New York, New York, El Tango and Dali.  There are also two cafes: El Globo and  Expressamente Illy, both with outdoor seating. On Sundays, an art market is held in the glorieta, with a performance by the Zapopan Band given at 5 p.m.

Penny poker at the American Society

Playing Indian poker for tiny stakes at the American Society’s Game Day this Thursday are (L-R) Irma Robledo, Bob Fields, Ken Knittle, Jerry Danker, Bruce Newby and Anthony Knittle.  The society opens its doors for breakfast on New Year’s Day (Sunday, January 1), from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Newby will be cooking up the hotcakes and eggs.  There will be a potluck lunch later, with college bowl games on the big screen.