Niños Incapacitados recently announced a new “Two-Hour Volunteer Campaign.” Realizing that most expats are overloaded with activities and volunteer positions, the organization is asking local residents to find just two hours to volunteer at an event to raise funds to help sick children of low-income Mexican families.
A 21-year-old, all-volunteer Lakeside charity, Niños Incapacitados currently assists with the medical expenses for 139 area children with illnesses such as cancer, heart problems, hearing loss, lupus, convulsions, eye problems, orthopedic issues and cerebral palsy.
Niños Incapacitados needs more volunteers to organize, promote and conduct five highly-anticipated fundraising events in 2015.
“We want people who would be willing to donate just two hours to one of the events next year,” says Margaret Quinn, the group’s volunteer coordinator. “Volunteers in two-hour shifts are needed to hang posters, make phone calls, decorate, sell tickets, collect donated items, collect tickets at the door, usher and bartend. A little help from many can significantly benefit these sick children.”
Quinn adds: “In addition to the personal satisfaction they receive from helping the sick children, they will enjoy meeting and interacting with other volunteers. It’s a nice way to make new friends.”
The 2015 fundraising events include an afternoon and an evening session of “Trivia” on Tuesday, January 13; the “Robbie Burns Dinner” with Scottish singing and dancing on Sunday, January 25; the Jeffrey Straker Concerts on February 12 and 13; the Niños Chili Cookoff Booth from February 27 through March 1, and the “Viva Las Vegas” Gala Dinner Dance on Thursday, March 12.
Each event will raise enough money to cover a few months of the rapidly increasing medical costs for the children. Approximately 96 percent of all money raised goes directly toward medical expenses.
Comprehensive information about Niños Incapacitados, including financial statements, biographies of board members, donation and volunteer opportunities and information and photographs of the children are available at the group’s new website:
Those interested in accepting a two-hour volunteer position should contact the volunteer coordinator at (376) 766-4094 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The group’s monthly meetings are held at the Hotel Real de Chapala on the second Thursday of each month. Coffee is served at 10 a.m., followed at 10:30 a.m. by a presentation of the child of the month, and board and committee reports.