A Midwesterner Moves to Mexico - Blue Rimmed Glasses
So maybe those glasses at Pier One aren’t overpriced after all.
So maybe those glasses at Pier One aren’t overpriced after all.
There’s a time and a place for Costco. And sometimes a trip to Superama is a good place to walk the aisles – particularly if you’re looking for yellow cheese. But given the choice, I pick one of my little neighborhood groceries every time.
I see her every Tuesday and Thursday when I take my grandson to soccer practice. She stands on the corner waiting for the light to change so she can pass through the line of stopped cars offering candies from a small basket that she holds close to her chest.
One of the first things I noticed in Guadalajara was all the OXXOs.
When I was eight and in Brownie Scouts, we had a contest to see who could build the best Valentine Box out of a shoe box.
We went to Tlaquepaque last weekend. Mainly looking for rugs and furniture that my daughter has been wanting to buy.
I’ve been sleeping under two blankets for the last week and a half. Pulling out a throw to cuddle under on the couch when I watch TV.