A midwesterner moves to Mexico - Christmas Lists and Cake Mixes
It’s that time of year – the time for making lists and checking them twice.
It’s that time of year – the time for making lists and checking them twice.
I’m not adept at a lot of things. But one thing I am good at is finding ways to celebrate Thanksgiving without having to be the one to cook the turkey.
We were driving to Puerto Vallarta for a short vacation last week when my daughter turned around from the front seat and pointed out palm trees to my grandsons.
I was upset to read in last week’s paper that street vendors were going to be evicted from city center.
I read a Facebook post the other day that said that Guadalajara is no longer going to allow cars to park on sidewalks.
The lavender flowers on the tree that we pass every day on the way to school are blooming again. They’ll soon start falling and be picked up off of the sidewalk by my grandson, who’ll put them in his Spiderman backpack to take to his teachers or his mom or to use for his “art.”
I wrote a blog post several years ago about finding myself confused in a hair-care aisle. It came about after one of my daughters told me that if I wanted my hair to look good I needed to put “product” in it.