A Midwesterner Moves to Mexico - The Light and the Dark
It doesn’t get much better than stepping out of a plane in mid-January into the blue sky and bright sunshine of a Mexican afternoon.
It doesn’t get much better than stepping out of a plane in mid-January into the blue sky and bright sunshine of a Mexican afternoon.
Last year when I visited the United States over the holidays, the first meal I sought out was a gas station hot dog. It was something I missed and something I hadn’t yet discovered I could get at my neighborhood OXXO.
If you live in the Midwest, “coat” is one of the words you use regularly. Right up there with “winter storms” and “cornfields.”
There are a lot of things that people get right in Mexico.
I have a favorite Christmas picture. Taken over 60 years ago, it’s black and white and shows an entire extended family gathered around a Christmas tree that is sparse of branches and decorated with nothing but a few strands of tinsel that were probably saved from the year before.
(One of the things I miss in Mexico is getting mail. This is particularly true in the holiday season when one of my favorite things is receiving my sister’s annual Christmas letter and sitting down with a hot mug of coffee and reading it. It’s a letter that is invariably filled with both humor and hope, written in the true spirit of the season, with roots in lessons that we both learned years earlier.)
Several months ago I wrote about a juggler on our street who juggles fruit found along the sidewalk. He brightens each day that my grandson and I come across him on our walk home from preschool.