For decades, foreigners have visited Lakeside and fallen in love with it. They go home with glowing descriptions of the place, using words like “paradise” and “heaven.” Next, they decide that they need to own a piece of this paradise and move, lock, stock and SUV to these shores. Lately, after searching for and finding the “perfect house,” they tear it down and build one that looks very much like the one they left, without regard to the climate, neighbors or anything but the new water pressure system. The next step, of course, is that they discover that the house is too hot in the summer months, so they need air conditioning. “I don’t understand,” says Mr. Just off the Boat, “it wasn’t this hot when we were here last summer.”
All this just makes them look kind of stupid and really doesn’t affect anyone except them when they have the fight with the electric company.
However, a new trend has raised its ugly head. Apparently, some newbies were all born and raised on concrete. They tear into beautiful old gardens, ripping out the tress and lush plant life around the house because “it makes a mess.” The idea of a leaf falling on a manicured lawn or painted green patio is just too stressful.
Hold on there! Those plants provide an environment for hundreds of birds, small animals and insects essential to our own special biosphere. Do you really want a spring without bird song? Besides, trees are nature’s air conditioners.
Don’t cut it all down. Hire a gardener or buy a rake. If you keep this up our little patch of paradise will be all over.