Guadalajara Reporter

Jun 30th
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Home Columns Ron Walker What’s the point of a Malecon?

What’s the point of a Malecon?

The new Malecon in Puerto Vallarta has been under construction since May 16 and is scheduled to be completed by September 15.  That means we are half way there, or are we?The local College of Engineers and Architects and even the Consultive Council on Public Works has not received plans of the construction.  So, all the engineers/architects of Puerto Vallarta and the public really know about the project is from the artist’s computer rendition that appears at various locations in the city.

The idea of replacing the Malecon all began, apparently, in January of this year.  The municipality reported “structural damage” which would require repairs for the safety of the town in the event of high seas.  Fissures and cracks were found.  After all, the principal function of a Malecon is to serve as a break-water to protect the population and constructions from high waves and seas, right?  Anyone who remembers Hurricane Kenna in 2002 can attest to the damage and destruction that high seas can cause.  And therein lies the first question posed as to the procedure of remodeling the Malecon.

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