Guadalajara Reporter

Jun 28th
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Home Columns John Pint Ultimate Frisbee: quirky, competitive, virtuous

Ultimate Frisbee: quirky, competitive, virtuous

More than 300 players and fans of Ultimate Frisbee gathered at the Universidad de Guadalajara Sports Club last weekend for the 2012 Mexican National Tournament in this fast-moving team sport, which uses a flying disk instead of a ball.

Of the 12 teams that battled it out for the Men’s Open title, the winner was Mexico City’s Fenix (a team from the UNAM university) which beat Malaki of Queretaro in the finals, 15-10.

Seven teams of women also competed and once again a Mexico City team—Kowamorras—triumphed.

“Ultimate,” as it is normally called, is played in more than 50 countries and has about five million players in the United States alone. The game originated in 1968 and was first played at Columbia High School in Maplewood, New Jersey. One of the originators of the sport, a student named Joel Silver, claimed at the time that it was “the ultimate game experience” and the name stuck.

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