Letters to the Editor - January 31, 2014
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- Published on Friday, 31 January 2014 10:48
- Written by GR Staff
Dear Sir,
For the last two weeks Allyn Hunt’s political editorial polemics have appeared in the Reporter. Frankly they are boring. While the titles and facade try to misdirect the reader one gets the impression of reading an old MSNBC script.
Since Mr. Hunt has lived in Mexico since 1974 it is hard to see how this anoints him as a commentator on US politics or deserving of any particular notice in political thought. Mr. Hunt obviously leans left since the usual rhetoric regarding conservatives such as “ The GOP’s present atrocious cluster of haters, racists and ...taste for fairy tales” is typical of his prose. His lack of tolerance in branding millions of Americans as bad people since they may disagree with him escapes his liberal outlook. I have never understood why the much touted liberal “tolerance” never includes people that disagree with them.
I have enjoyed Mr. Hunt’s articles and anecdotes regarding Mexico. We live in a Latin culture, 100 million individuals, with a rich history. It shows Mr. Hunt’s lack of imagination if the only subjects he can find is US political pablum. We all have cable TV and many of us left NOB because of the deluge of Kool Aid and talking heads.
I would be happy to recommend hundreds of topics regarding expat life and the rich tapestry of Mexico for future editorials. I am not keen on spending 17 pesos weekly for another performance of the liberal Greek chorus.
Andy Meyers,
Chula Vista
Dear Sir,
Last Friday evening, a neighbor who lives alone fell in her house, seriously injuring her hip, and was unable to get up. Fortunately, last year she subscribed to the emergency Vida Alarm service and wore a Fall Detector Sensor which automatically called the Vida Alarm Monitor Center. When the monitor service phoned her house and did not get an answer, they called the “First Response” homeowner’s neighbor. The neighbor went to the house and found the lady on the floor in extreme pain. Vida Alarm was still on the line and was asked by the First Responder to call Cruz Roja. The First Responder then notified the Ajijic Clinic to be ready when the ambulance brought the patient to them. The Cruz Roja ambulance arrived shortyly, thanks to the close proximity to the West Side Substation.
A nurse who happened to be present in the First Responder’s house accompanied the patient in the ambulance to the Clinic and stayed overnight with her at the Clinic. The new owner of Vida Alarm met the ambulance at the Clinic and offered to collect the lady’s daughter who happened to be arriving at the airport the next day for a visit.
The X-Rays showed a fracture of the top of the femur and hip joint. She was driven to a hospital in Guadalajara and operated on Sunday morning. By Sunday afternoon, the operation was successful and she was doing well.
This is a success story thanks to the rapid response of Vida Alarm, the First Responder, and Cruz Roja. Those of us on the west side of town should consider donating regularly to Cruz Roja to maintain the ambulance at the West Side Substation.
Name and address withheld upon request