Alert, ladies!
- Details
- Published on Friday, 22 November 2013 14:26
- Written by Alice Hudson
Dear Sir,
In regard to Emma Bergh-Apton and Micki Wendt’s recent letters concerning their extreme distaste for the 3-4 hours that Mexican children and their parents now spend celebrating Halloween down here in Mexico: Alert, ladies!
I recently stood behind a Mexican woman in Wal-Mart who was buying a turkey for Thanksgiving. Yes! This Mexican woman intends to celebrate American Thanksgiving right here in Jalisco. Call the Culture Police and do not delay! She lived for 17 years in the United States and recently had to move back home, but while there her family learned to love that American holiday. So they pooled their money and have bought a huge turkey and they intend to make dressing and have cranberries, too. Shame on this señora and her miscreant relations for perpetuating these nasty Norteamericano holiday habits down here in Mexico! Why, we are already chock-full of the kind of fiestas that are more appropriate for these sweet, helpless little brown people. Perhaps Emma and Micki will want to take to picketing in the streets real soon, because I previously had seen this same woman eyeing a Christmas ham in the freezer case!
Alice Hudson, Ajijic