Barra de Navidad & Melaque Journal - February 13, 2016

Art Walk

The Valentine’s Day Art Walk starts at the Ed Gilliam Studio, and continues to Casa Camera (11 artists will be featured) and La Taza Negra for iced coffee, watercolors and jewelry.

The walk ends at La Paloma Art Center, where Nancy Lennie and visiting painters will be showing. The walk is scheduled Sunday, February 14, 3-6 p.m. 

For information on the Leap Year Day show contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">

Bike Ride

The first Annual Ride of Friendship will draw 200 cyclists from various Mexican states to ride approximately 32 kilometers between Barra and Colimilla.

The municipal, tourist and transit police will provide necessary support and protection. 

The ride starts Sunday, February 14, 7 a.m at Barra’s Jardin. 

The Grand Bay Hotel is among the sponsors. Jorge Cardenas of Pelicanos Costalegre Bikers, and Alfredo Flores of Bikers Adventurers, are arranging the logistics of the new event. 

Photos taken can be uploaded to social media, to promotethe area’s culture, ecology and outdoor activities.

Call 315-100-9240 for information.


Pro Animal Melaque hosts its 10th Annual Cribbage Tournament/Slient Auction at Esmeralda’s on Friday, February 19, 1 p.m. The cost is 120 pesos, and there will be a 50/50 raffle. 

Cooking Contest

The Tastes and Sounds of Barra cooking competition is set for Barra’s Jardin on Saturday, February 27, 10 a.m. 

This year’s contest will showcase local gastronomy, with the best dish to be voted on by townsfolk. 

Proceeds are earmarked for ongoing reconstruction of Barra’s beach access. 

The top prize is a 29-inch flat-screen TV. 

Entry is free; registration forms are available at Novedades Adriana, Jardin de Chuy, Sea Master, Hugo Morett at 315-110-7807 and Linda Bello Ruiz at 315-355-8405. 


Irene Petersen, co-chair of Costalegre Rotary’s Project Committee, has announced a donation for roof repair at the senior’s home in Cihuatlan. This is a joint effort together with Club Borrachas and Borrachos.

Costelegre Rotary’s Community Appreciation and Membership Social is scheduled Thursday, February 18. Pianist Adrian King is donating his time. 


Post with or sign up for Jill Ledden’s newsletter, Melaque-Barra Alternative at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">

Scholarship Funds  

After a successful pilot project, the Becas for Barra board of directors are establishing a fund to help students stay in school. 

Only 62 percent of students continue beyond ninth grade in Mexico.

Monies raised go to A average secondary students. 

For more information, contact founders Wilf Brousseau and Linda Bello-Ruiz at or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">

Several streams of income have surfaced to support students of the Terry McGarvey Scholarship Fund, including a successful raffle, donations from the Borrachas and Borrachos Club and the Costalegre Rotary. 

The current beneficiary, a college level student, has had almost all of her education paid for by anonymous donor, who pledged regular funds to complete her schooling after reading about her needs in a previous column.    

Benefit gig

The Becas por Barra benefit featuring David (Elvis) and Mario (guitar) takes place Monday February 15 at the  Hotel Cabo Blanco from 3-5 p.m.  The entrance fee is 50 pesos 

Tourist Police

Oscar Rosales and Alberto Jacobo are Barra de Navidad’s tourist police officers.

Oscar Rosales and Alberto Jacobo are Barra’s tourist police officers and have many strings to their bows.

Both are fully trained in sea rescue and first aid. Last year, they also took a two-week course to learn the ins and outs of oral trials, the focus of Mexico’s new justice system that is similar to its northern neighbor’s court based system.

Rosales’ and Jacobo’s careers are benefitting from the understanding that tourist populated areas have various economies and cultures with special needs. 

Rosales advises those leaving their homes alone for months at a time to install alarm systems.

Last year, United for Barra Association raised funds to provide identifiable special uniforms and bicycles for the officers. 

The Melaque headquarters are located on Avenida Las Primaveras. Rosales and Jacobo can be found on the malecon behind the arches or by calling 315-100-0529.  For real emergencies call 066.


BillJo Doll is the author of the popular book “Murder in Melaque.”

Expat Anna Schilke, another pen name for BilliJo Doll, is the author of “Murder in Melaque” (available only as an ebook) and “Last Call, Poems, Stories and Art from the Costalegre.” 

Raised on a ranch, it made sense for Doll to get her degree in Rangeland Watershed Management. During her second year, however, a professor noted her writing potential, which she later took to great heights.

 After completing most of her family and career-building life tasks in her 30’s, Doll’s life as a writer emerged in her 40’s. “The Seekers,” the first of a three-part science fiction trilogy, was published when she was 44. Dreams of seeing her well received trilogy on the big screen continue. 

Only one of Doll’s seven published books are out of print. Her fans range in age from nine to 94.  For more information, see