While last week’s horrific massacre in Connecticut has reignited the debate over the right to bear arms in the United States, a recent report suggests Mexicans are also paying the price for their northern neighbors’ lax gun-control laws.
While last week’s horrific massacre in Connecticut has reignited the debate over the right to bear arms in the United States, a recent report suggests Mexicans are also paying the price for their northern neighbors’ lax gun-control laws.
Youtube.com has become so ubiquitous on the internet that I really do not think I need to take much time to explain what this website is. Just in case you do not know, YouTube is a video-sharing website on which anyone can upload, view and share videos. The company slogan “Broadcast Yourself” is taken far too literally by some people and so there sure is a lot of content of questionable value wasting a lot of space, but if you take the time to wade through all of the clutter you are likely to find there are plenty of videos worth watching. Many of these are content uploaded by media corporations including CBS, BBC, VEVO, Hulu, and others.
On December 22, 1997, dozens of Mascara Roja paramilitaries entered a church in Acteal, Chiapas and slaughtered those praying inside. The 45 victims, members of pacifist Christian organization Las Abejas, included 15 children – the youngest being a two-month-old baby – and 21 women – four of whom were pregnant.
Mexican citizens cling tenaciously to their own familiar ways of celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Among these are the popular nacimientos (nativity scenes or creches) which can be found in public places and private homes all over Mexico from mid-December through Three Kings Day on January 6.