How much would you pay for one of the finest burgers in Guadalajara? Think carefully, because in Boqueria restaurant the customers set the prices.
“We are so convinced of the quality of our products that we let you choose the price,” the menu boldly proclaims.
That’s right; when the check comes at the end of your meal, you decide how much you want to pay. This novel concept was dreamed up by Cesar de la Torre, who opened Boqueria in Colonia Americana at the end of March this year.
“It’s going really well,” de la Torre says, with word-of-mouth having spread, meaning he has never needed to put out paid advertisements to attract customers.
The success of the restaurant is entirely reliant upon the honesty of its customers, de la Torre explains: “I give you the best product that I can and I trust you completely to give me a good price.”
The risky gambit of offering potentially free food has paid off, as he says the average amount that customers leave is “high.” The least anyone has paid for a burger is around 45 pesos, while the most is a staggering 280 pesos.
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