Guadalajara Reporter

Jan 27th
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Home Features Features The Liberation of Kari the Fox

The Liberation of Kari the Fox

On several occasions, the Guardabosques or Rangers of the Primavera Forest had invited me to observe the liberation of rehabilitated mammals, reptiles and birds deep inside the woods, but never did I suspect that an event like this would one day take place in my own yard, turning me into the foster father of an enchanting baby fox.

The animals that the Rangers free all come from CIVS, the Centro para la Conservación e Investigación de la Vida Silvestre (Wildlife Rehabilitation Center), located in Guadalajara.  Every time someone finds a crocodile, lynx, raccoon, hawk or whatever in their back yard (often hurt in some way), that creature ends up at CIVS, in the care of the director, Andrés González and his staff, who nurse the animal back to health and then work on finding the best possible home for their charge.

In some cases, the animals are given “survival training” and eventually let loose in the Primavera Forest or — as was the case of 500 huge but harmless Emperor Scorpions (Pandinus imperator) , found in an unclaimed box by Mexico City custom officials—the creatures find a home with a specialist who is familiar with their species.

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