From all appearances, they are like any other upscale swimming pool. But a handful of Guadalajara pools boast something invisible that their owners say is increasingly important to swimmers — water purification systems that rely less on questionable chemicals and more on safer technologies.
Hot, summer weather naturally makes swimming more attractive, but many people have complaints about traditional pool chemicals, such as chlorine and bromine. “I get a rash from chlorine,” said regular swimmer and Guadalajara musician Colleen Blake. “I’ve tried steam baths to detox my skin but sometimes had to resort to medications to get rid of the problem. I’d like to know about pools that use other systems.”
“With traditional chemicals, people have problems with their hair, skin and eyes,” said Juan Yeh, a staff member at Carril4tro (pronounced “carr-IL CUAtro”, a large installation with three indoor pools on the southwest fringe of the city near the Omnilife Stadium. Carril4tro uses ultraviolet rays and a filtration system to minimize chlorine.
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