Communications and entertainment companies have been merging services for the last few decades, so that now, whosoever provides multi-channel television service is also likely to provide high-speed internet and the basic fixed telephone line. In Guadalajara the options can be confusing because so many service providers bury details of pricing structure or service options on their websites, and making the journey to the various service centers to wait in line for the rundown is exactly the opposite of thrilling.
To save you some time, The Reporter has rounded up most of the major players in the home contracting scene, dug up hidden costs, tabulated, calculated, enumerated all the relevant numbers to empower you to make an informed decision as to which company will be connecting your home to the outside world. We’ve also stripped away the short term deals and left you with the real, raw price—the regular toll on your wallet (until rates go up again).
Most of the services listed are available in the Guadalajara metropolitan zone. Lakeside residents have access to Telmex for telephone and internet service, Lagunanet for internet, and Telecable for cable and internet in some cases. Telecable is also starting to roll out telephone service in the area.
The cable companies are a quick solution for those wishing to bundle television, internet, and telephone into one wire. Telecable and Megacable have divided the metro into separate jurisdictions, meaning customers don’t really get to choose between the two of them. Telecable also offers television and internet service in Chapala, and is rolling out phone service. So, the following information will depend on the coverage area in which you live.
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