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Home Expat Living Pacific Coast La Manzanilla Memo La Manzanilla Memo - December 24, 2011

La Manzanilla Memo - December 24, 2011

Happy Holidays, etc.

Whatever you celebrate – Yule/Solstice, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza or Bah Humbug! – I hope your obligations don’t exceed your stamina and you are coping well with the ubiquitous merriment.

La Manzanilla is considerably mellow for this time of year.  The Guadalupe Day parade made more noise, thanks to the new padre who apparently has a penchant for big bottle rockets, but if you aren’t downtown you’d hardly know anything is going on.  The traditional evening posadas and weekend live-music events at various venues are holding their own, but the holiday-tourist turnout so far seems disappointingly modest.

I haven’t heard anyone lament about lower occupancy in beachfront rentals, but those usually get snatched up first and stay booked through the season.  Owners and managers of some off-beach properties, on the other hand, report that rentals are way down this year. A non-scientific local poll suggests the availability of more properties is the cause, in league with potential visitors changing their vacation plans in the still unsteady U.S. economy.  That’s good news for you if you´re thinking about a get-away to La Manzanilla for a few days this winter and will settle for walking distance to the water and town.

Recalling those halcyon days of Christmases past, before the economy crashed, restaurant and shop owners state they’re also feeling the pinch.  Their costs have gone up, and there’s more competition than ever this year vying for tourist dollars that simply aren’t here yet.  “Maybe January will be busier,” many say.

Tree fiesta biggest yet

There was no shortage of people at Café de Flores holiday tree fiesta on December 9.  The approximately 60 original trees and other seasonal decorations donated by La Manzanilla residents and schools for the silent auction were displayed upstairs, downstairs and on the street in front of the popular eatery.  Owner Mary Mayberry estimated around 130 people attended the fifth annual event.

The crush was agoraphobia inducing.  I solved that issue by settling into a spot at the bar where I could monitor bidding on the tree I wanted and sample the amazing hors d’oeuvres coming out of the kitchen, plus see everyone at least once.  La Manzanilla isn’t known as “a small drinking village with a fishing problem” for nothing.

Proceeds from the fundraiser helped La Catalina Educational Foundation reach their goal of 25,000 pesos for the secondary school to participate in the Digital Abilities for All program.  This government program will provide 30 laptop computers and three electronic whiteboards for the school, with the hope of achieving a tremendous improvement in the students’ education.  The new electronics are expected to arrive shortly after the holiday break.

Cisco’s music night

Julie Wagner has set the date for the 8th annual Cisco’s Amigos Music Night for January 2 at 7 p.m.  This year’s much-anticipated fundraiser will headline popular musical acts Shelly and Dave, Simone and Mike, and La Manzanilla’s very own Lounge Lizards. Tickets, for a donation of 150 pesos per person, are available at Marisco’s Deli, Helping Hands used bookstore, and Palapa Joe’s restaurant.

The event will again be held at Julie and Rusty’s hillside home.  Wine will be sold by the glass or bottle, and everyone who attends is asked to bring a snack to share.  Proceeds will benefit La Manzanilla’s annual Cisco’s Amigos free animal spay and neuter clinic, scheduled for February 10 to 14 in the ejido hall on Maria Asuncion.  The December clinic in Melaque sent 275 cats and dogs home healthier, if not happier.

Polo time

The Copa de Careyes starts December 27 at the Careyes Polo Club.  Players from the United States, Canada, Mexico and Peru will compete in the annual four-day tournament.  Two matches per day are scheduled to begin at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, with the finals held on Saturday.  Admittance is free, and you’re welcome to bring your own beverages and snacks to enjoy during the games. Fans also are invited to mingle with the players afterward at the newly reopened El Bar Rancho don Andres, adjacent to the polo grounds.

The Careyes Polo Club is located about 20 miles north of La Manzanilla on Highway 200.  Turn toward the beach at the sign just past kilometer marker 49 and continue past the first set of polo fields to the grounds at the end of the road.


A glitch in paperwork between the port captain and the La Manzanilla ejido has put Dave Collins´ popular mangrove birding tours temporarily on hold.  Not to be outwitted by red tape, however, our eco-master has diversified.  He now offers stand-up paddle board lessons, whale watching tours, birding safaris up to Cuixmala, and has walk-about birding tours of La Manzanilla in the works.  All originate from local beach locations.

Dates and prices vary, so contact Dave directly for more information at [email protected], call his cell phone at (315) 104-5442, or stop by his new office at Maria Asuncion 49.

For those Americans more inclined toward indoor, couch-potato endeavors, ESPN listed a total of 35 college football bowl games spanning the three-plus weeks between December 17 and January 9.   That could be reason enough for Bah Humbug sports fans to celebrate this holiday season.

Here’s wishing all of you safe and sane celebrations and a very prosperous New Year!  Or, as I now can properly print with my Spanish keyboard: Feliz Año!


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