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Home Expat Living Lake Chapala Laguna Chapalac Laguna Chapalac - August 4, 2012

Laguna Chapalac - August 4, 2012

Brits meet

The Lakeside British Society will meet next on Saturday, August 4, 1 p.m. at Manix Restaurant, Ocampo 56 in Ajijic. The speaker will be Jeremy Dando, who is visiting the area and will present an overview of the design and development of cardiac catheters, including the time line needed for obtaining regulatory approval. Dando works for a major medical device manufacturer.

Contact Alicia Mc Niff at 765-4786 or Society President Ceri Dando at [email protected] to let them know you’ll attend and your choice of menu. Visitors are welcome.

Dog is home

John McWilliams is happy to report that the bull terrier that showed up at his home in Rancho del Oro last week is back with her family. They saw John’s notice in this column and rushed to identify their pooch. McWilliams points out that the whole thing would be easier on everyone if dog owners put some kind of identification—even just a telephone number on their pet’s collar. Check your dog’s collar to make sure that if he or she gets lost, someone has a way to notify you if they find your animal.


American Legion Ladies’ Auxiliary Unit 7 of Chapala is throwing a “Wings and Things and Just Desserts” meal on Thursday, August 9, with cocktails at 5 p.m. and dinner at 6 p.m. The menu will be chicken wings of many flavors, French fries and a huge dessert buffet. The price is 80 pesos. Tickets are on sale at American Legion Post 7, Morelos 114 in Chapala.

The hula

Cruz Roja (Red Cross) Chapala will hold a Hawaiian Luau on Saturday, August 25 at American Legion Post 7, Morelos 114 in Chapala. The cocktail hour is from 4 to 5 p.m., at which time the Fetia I Te Po Tahitian dance group from Guadalajara, led by Gabriela Alejandro Gorziez Guerrero and musical director Edgar Ramirez Ruiz, will perform. Dinner will be served at 5 p.m. and  Hal Kaluhiokalani Matthews will play his ukulele and sing, joined by Louie Pavao and Marilyn Moss. Donna Bento will give a dance performance accompanied by Kahale Camara on guitar after dinner.

The meal, featuring a whole roasted pig with side dishes and homemade mango ice cream will be catered by Manix Restaurant. Tickets are 300 pesos per person and are on sale now at the Lake Chapala Society (Cruz Roja table) and American Legion Post 7.


Some of the Tepehua Little Leaguers earned their caps (with their names on them) last Saturday. Coaches John Clarke and Perry King gave out the caps donated by American Legion Post 9.

They report that it has taken a while for the boys from Tepehua to learn the rules of softball—they prefer the rules of their own street games. They way they play is that when one guy finally hits the ball, the kid on first base moves the base just as the hitter reaches it…and he’s out!

Clarke and King admit that their fun is contagious. Some of the older players are natural athletes and find more joy in the competition than the rules. The League could really use a bi-lingual volunteer to help out with the rules. Contact King at (376)766-5126.

Bus trip

The Lake Chapala Society (LCS) has a bus trip scheduled for Thursday, August 9 for Andares Mall in Guadalajara. This trip will leave at 9:30 a.m. and return from the mall area at 3:30 p.m. Another trip is set for Thursday, August 30, for the Galerias Mall. This trip includes Sam’s, Walmart, Costco and Mega. The bus will leave at 9 a.m. and return at 3:30 p.m. Tickets are 200 pesos for the round trip and are on sale at the front desk at the Lake Chapala Society.


The Lake Chapala Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (LCUUF) meets each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. at Margarita 113 in Riberas del Pilar. The talk for August 5 is entitled “Everything You Ever Wanted to know about Hospice in Mexico but were Afraid to Ask.” The presenter will be Amara Brouwers and the service leader will be Marguerite Ponder. Everyone is welcome. A coffee hour get together will follow. For more information please call 766-1119 or email to [email protected] LCUUF is a welcoming congregation.

Christ Church Anglican

Christ Church Anglican Fellowship will journey to Mazamitla on August 5 to celebrate the Holy Eucharist with the congregation of La Sagrada Familia Mission. This will be the second Church-in-a-Box visit for Christ Church to La Sagrada Familia. The sermon topic for Father Danny Borkowski (to be translated by Inez Dayer) is “Bread from Heaven, Bread of Life,” based on John 6:24-35.

Christ Church asks that all pray for Father Ramon Rios Fierros, the priest who had been assigned to La Sagrada Familia as well as San Esteban Martir in San Sebastian el Grande, Jalisco. Father Ramon has been very ill and has been relieved of his duties by Bishop Lino Rodriguez of the Western Diocese of the Anglican Church of Mexico.

St. Andrew’s Anglican

Miracles come in many different forms, which the ancient Israelites discovered as they trekked through the wilderness for 40 years. This week’s sermon at St. Andrew’s, “Bug Juice Bread,” takes a look at the daily miracles that so often go unnoticed in our daily lives.

Then—on Thursday, August 7, 4 p.m. the annual Parish Picnic will feature BBQ pork sandwiches, slaw, beans and homemade s’mores, along with Bingo, a seed-spitting contest and a competition for the best cowboy poem. It’s all there for a mere 100 pesos. Call the church office at (376) 765-3926 to sign up. Everyone is welcome.

Sunday worship is at 10 a.m. and always includes a time or fellowship, welcome and refreshment after the service. St. Andrew’s is located at Calle San Lucas 19, just a block south of the carretera in Riberas del Pilar.


Family relationships can be so complicated—but God wants us to get it right. That’s why how we treat our parents is right there in the Ten Commandments. Pastor Ross Arnold at Lakeside Presbyterian Church will continue his series about why the Ten Commandments really aren’t the “downer” many people think they are; but instead are really “The Grand Positives.” Sunday, August 5, Ross’ topic will be “Parental Priority.” Worship begins at 10 a.m. Lakeside Presbyterian is located on the mountain side of the highway just west of S&S; Auto and Bubba’s Restaurant.


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