Quilt raffle
The English-speaking congregation of San Andres Catholic Church in Ajijic is holding a quilt raffle to raise funds for the Villa Infantil Nuestra Señora Guadalupe y San Jose in San Pedro Tesistan. The quilt is 78 inches by 92 inches (double bed size). The motif is the well-known image of the Virgin of Guadalupe surrounded by roses. Tickets are 20 pesos each or three tickets for 50 pesos. Call Trish Conner at 766-5233 or Gerri Tredway at 765-2427 for tickets.
Martha Nussgen thanks the many people who responded to her plea published in the Reporter two weeks ago for funds to place needy local children in special trade programs at the CONALEP technical school. Nearly 50 young people are now enrolled in programs that will begin October 15. Those interested in helping out should contact Nussgen at 766-2549.
Where’s Terry?
For folks looking for Terry’s Tianguis consignment store just west of Chapala … It’s not closed! It’s still there behind the expansion work going on. Look for a grand re-opening soon.
Niños Incapacitados
Programa pro Niños Incapacitados del Lago meets Thursday, October 13 at Hotel Real de Chapala in La Floresta, Ajijic. Coffee and cookies are served at 10 a.m. The meeting, as well as the introduction of children being aided by the program, begins at 10:30 a.m. This is an ideal opportunity for supporters and other interested parties to learn more about the organization that helps low-income Mexican families pay for ongoing and/or major medical expenses for their children with disabling or life-threatening illnesses. All are welcome.
The Lake Chapala Chapter of Democrats Abroad will meet Monday, October 10, 4 p.m. at La Nueva Posada, Donato Guerra 9 in Ajijic. The speaker will be former IRS agent Marian Wellman, CPA, to speak about the new IRS ruling regarding taxes to be paid on foreign accounts (FBAR). Everyone is invited.
Tea Party
The Lakeside Tea Party will hold its monthly meeting Tuesday, October 11, 4 p.m. at Sunrise Café in Riberas del Pilar. This month, Dr. Bernie Metcalf will make a presentation on illegal immigration. He will discuss the current law, what he thinks needs to be done and where the Republican presidential candidates stand on the issue. Everyone is welcome.
Go Navy!
The next meeting of the Lake Chapala Council of the Navy League will be on Saturday, October 15 at Manix Restaurant, Ocampo 57 in Ajijic. The luncheon meeting will begin at 1 p.m.
The speakers for this session will be Frank and Laraine Callom. The Calloms are originally from Las Vegas, Nevada and have lived in Ajijic for ten years. They have traveled in many Middle Eastern countries and have worked in various positions in the oil industry abroad.
Frank Callom spoke at a Navy League luncheon about a year ago, discussing U.S. Navy activity during the Gulf War.
Frank and Laraine will discuss their story and the stories of other U.S. civilians employed by an American oil company in the Middle East region. Their presentation will be a timely one, with Iraq and Afghanistan still in the forefront of today’s news.
This meeting is open to everyone and prior military service is not required. Those who would like to attend and learn more about the Navy League should contact Bill Neal at 766-3123 to facilitate proper planning.
Red Cross trips
Cruz Roja volunteers have planned the following bus trips in the next few weeks:
- Wednesday, October 26 to the Guadalajara Zoo. The 300-peso cost includes zoo entry, safari ride, aquarium and train ride.
- Tuesday, November 1 to Galerias Mall. Explore this plush mall’s many interesting shops, superstores (Walmart, Sam’s Club, Costco and Mega) and restaurants. The cost is 200 pesos per person.
Buses leave from the La Floresta entrance by the big sculpture at 9 a.m. (sharp) and leave Guadalajara for the return at 3:30 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at the Cruz Roja table located at the Lake Chapala Society (LCS), Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
For more information contact June Cooper at 766-4939.
Niños de Chapala y Ajijic
Los Niños de Chapala y Ajijic has announced a change in their monthly board meetings. Beginning October 1, all meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of each month, 10 a.m. to noon. The meeting venue will vary.
Los Niños de Chapala y Ajijic has scheduled a wonderfully haunting Halloween event on Monday, October 31, 6-8:30 p.m. on the Lake Chapala Society’s back patio. The event will feature Lady Mary Flemming and her spooky ghost stories. There will be several raffles, a 50/50 drawing and a cash bar.
Admission is 50 pesos and tickets will be on sale by October 14 at the Lake Chapala Society and at the Los Niños table in front of Salvador’s restaurant on Wednesday mornings (Tianguis Day). You may also call the Chapala office at (376) 766-7032 to have tickets set aside for you.
Open day
The Lakeside Spay and Neuter Center is inviting everyone at Lakeside (and elsewhere) to an “Open Day at the Ranch” on Sunday, October 9, beginning at 1 p.m.
Whether you’re thinking about adopting a dog or simply curious to see the many dogs housed there, this will be a great opportunity. There will be donation boxes and your assistance is appreciated to help feed and care for these sweet creatures that have no other home. Refreshments, hotdogs and hamburgers will be served.
The Ranch is located off the Guadalajara/Chapala highway. Just north of the turn-off to the libramiento, turn right onto a dirt road that leads past a gravel quarry on the left. Go over a stream and around a tree in the middle of the road. Follow the signs right, through another stream to a gate on you right. There’s plenty of parking space.
For better directions and more information call 766-3813, 765-7681 or 765-0807. Check out the website at www.lakesidespayandneutercenter.com.
The Lake Chapala Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (LCUUF) meets each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. at Sta. Margarita 113 in Riberas del Pilar. The presentation for Sunday, October 9 will be give by Bob Koches and is entitled “Coming Out.” It is in celebration of International Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Day (October 11). There will be a coffee hour following the service. For more information call 766-1119 or email to [email protected]. LCUUF is a welcoming congregation.
St. Andrew’s Anglican
According to Father Winston Welty, when it comes to faith, we tend to put on our solemn face and get very serious. We have a hard time believing the truth – that life in the presence of God is a perpetual party, a costume ball where God provides the costumes and all we have to do is put them on and show up. Don’t believe it? Then ‘Put on your Red Shoes, Baby,’ and show up for worship at St. Andrew’s at 10 a.m. Sunday, October 9. The party continues after worship with a time of welcome, fellowship and refreshments.
Pastor Ross Arnold of Lakeside Presbyterian Church will deliver the sermon “Real People – The Gratitude of Elijah” from 2 Kings 4:8-36 on Sunday, October 9 at 10 a.m.
The gentlemen of the congregation will hold a Men’s Breakfast at Sunrise Restaurant at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, October 11 (all men are welcome.)
Bible Study will be held on October 14 at 10 a.m.
Lakeside Presbyterian Church is located at Hidalgo 231 on the mountain side of the Carretera in Riberas del Pilar next to S&S; Auto and Bubba’s Restaurant.
Christ Church Anglican
Sunday, October 9, Christ Church Anglican Fellowship will meet as usual in the second floor meeting room at Manix Restaurant, Ocampo 57 in Ajijic. The service that begins at 10 a.m. will celebrate the Holy Eucharist. The sermon by Father Danny Borkowski will be “Pack Rat Christianity” based on Philippians 4: 1-9. “Who’s Invited to the Wedding?”
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