Guadalajara Reporter

Jan 27th
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Home Expat Living Lake Chapala Community News Tape-A-Bike-Save-A-Life


Francis Dryden (right) participates in Masonic Lodge Axixic 31’s annual “Tape-A-Bike-Save-A-Life” campaign.

The guys go out to the villages on the north shore of Lake Chapala, pre-advertise their project and show up waiting for the droves of kids who come to have their bikes taped with special reflective tape. Besides applying the tape that comes from a company in Denver, Colorado at a great discount, the Masons check out the bikes for safety and make a lot of repairs. Needless to say, the kids love it and so do those of us driving at dusk when so many kids are on bikes heading home from school. The idea was the brainchild of Past Master Bob Glenn several years ago.  To learn more about Mason projects and Lodge Axixic 31, contact Wes Weston, Lodge Master, at (376) 765-2830.



0 # Bike TapeRandy Felix 2012-12-03 20:31
My wife and I will be coming down from Colorado at the end of the month, let us know if we can bring down any supplies from Denver for your group.
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