Guadalajara Reporter

Nov 05th
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Home Expat Living Lake Chapala Community News Masons open information to public

Masons open information to public

Axixic Masonic Lodge #31 will sponsor an informational “WalkAbout” on Wednesday, August 22 at 5 p.m. This is a perfect opportunity for those interested in or curious about Masonry to get the real low-down on the organization’s goals and activities.

“Many people have formed their opinions about Masonry based on movies such as “Knights Templar,” “The DaVinci Code,” “Angels and Demons,” “The Illuminati,” “National Treasure,” “National Treasure II” and the “Moses Code,” said Worshipful Master Wesley Weston, “or from surfing the Internet on the subject. We’re hopeful that this informational meeting will clarify the truth about Masonry to interested parties.” Information will be given to the attending public and friends as to what Masonry is, who the Lodge officers are and what their community involvement is.

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