Baroque concert
An evening of Baroque and Renaissance music is set for 5 p.m., Wednesday, December 19 at St. Mark’s Anglican Church in Guadalajara.
Headlining the five participating musicians is harpsichord player Ana Silvia Guerrero, organist at St. Mark’s and regular pianist with the Jalisco Symphony Orchestra. Joining her are two sopranos and her two sons on oboe and recorder.
The cost is $200 pesos. Tickets are available at the door before the performance. A cocktail reception in the parish hall follows the concert.
St. Mark’s is at Aztecas and Chichimecas in Colonia Monraz, a two-minute drive north of Plaza Mexico and near the end of bus 33-A. (33) 3641-6620.
The collection of winter clothing by the Family Development Agency (DIF) in Zapopan has been extended by one week and will now close on Friday, December 14.
The campaign aims to benefit 1,200 needy families in 36 neighborhoods across Zapopan by redistributing donations which include sweaters, blankets, scarves and toys in new or good condition.
Among DIF Zapopan facilities where blankets may be dropped off are the Unidad Administrativa Las Aguilas (Av. Lopez Mateos Sur 150) and the Unidad Administrativa Basilica (Plaza de las Americas in the Zapopan city center).
Call (33) 3836-3444 for more information.
Christmas cheer
Employees of the Superama Plaza Panoramica in Ciudad Bugambilias brought some Christmas cheer to 95 children from the Centro de Desarrollo Infantil (CDI) in Santa Ana Tepetitlan. DIF Zapopan, which runs the center for disadvantaged kids, made a personalized list of all the children’s gift wishes, to which the Wal-Mart subsidiary duly obliged.
Christmas Lights
Some folks will be pleased that Guadalajara city councilors have little truck with political correctness. The lights blazing out over Guadalajara’s Plaza de Armas spell out Feliz Navidad (Happy Christmas) and not the now-familiar message, Felices Fiestas (Happy Holidays). However, the traditional nativity scene in the Plaza de la Liberacion has been shunted to one side to accommodate the temporary ice rink, that will open on December 15. As yet, no news of where the creche will be located.
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