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Home Expat Living Guadalajara City Living City Living - December 1, 2012

City Living - December 1, 2012

‘Wedding singer’

The American School Foundation of Guadalajara presents the English-language musical “The Wedding Singer” on Thursday, December 6; Friday, December 7 and Saturday, December 8 at the school’s auditorium.  Performance times are 7 p.m. on each evening.

This show is directed by Eric David Mercer and choreographed by Fernando Salazar, with music directed by Jose (Pepe) Sandoval. All the music will be live. Based on the 1998 film with the same name, “The Wedding Singer” centers on Robbie Hart, who lives in his grandmother’s basement in New Jersey and sings in a wedding band.  When his fiancee leaves him standing at the altar, he becomes a wedding planner’s worst nightmare, taking out his bitterness on stage until his eye ­and heart turn to a new friend, Julia, but she’s engaged to a wealthy Wall Street broker.

All but four of the cast will be American School high school students. Rehearsals have been ongoing since August.

Tickets will be 70 pesos for adults and 50 pesos for students.  They can be purchased at the door.  There is a PG rating on this show.

The American School is located at Colomos 2100 (one block from Lopez Mateos) Colonia Providencia.  Call (33) 3648-0299 for more information.

‘Lessons and Carols’

The 15-member choir at St. Mark’s Anglican Church in Guadalajara is set to sing the annual, interdenominational, late afternoon “Lessons and Carols” worship concert on Sunday, December 9 at 5 p.m. The congregation will join in for many Advent hymns and Christmas carols, which alternate with bible readings related to the birth of Christ. The service lasts a little over an hour and is followed by refreshments in the parish hall.

Several special singers will join the regular choir for the occasion, with Debra Rodriguez directing and Ana Silvia Guerrero on organ. St. Mark’s new rector Jim Priddy will officiate. Punch and other refreshments follow in the church hall.

Musical highlights this year will be the 13th-century plainsong “Of The Father’s Love Begotten,” an arrangement of Polish folk carols “Wonder! Wonder!”, Bach’s “Break Forth O Beauteous Heavenly Light” and “Lo, How A Rose E’er Blooming” by Michael Praetorius.” The congregation joins along with popular carols such as “Away In A Manger,” “The First Noel,” “O Come All Ye Faithful” and more. Several carols are sung in Spanish translations.

“Lessons and Carols” was begun at King’s College, Cambridge, in 1918, as a welcome to the Christmas season.

St. Mark’s is at Aztecas and Chichimecas in Colonia Monraz, a two-minute drive north of Plaza Mexico and near the end of Bus 33-A. (33) 3641-6620.

From Asia

Arte Primitivo’s new store/gallery on Guadalajara’s Avenida Mexico is showing and selling furniture and decorative objects and art from several Asian nations. Expect to find a range of dining tables, bedroom sets, doors, sofas, pots, textiles, jewelry and other merchandise from countries such as India, China, Thailand, Indonesia and Mali, among others.

A special range of contemporary furniture, lamps and accessories from the Philippines will be on view opening exhibition and sale from November 29 through December 5. Discounts up to 40 percent are being offered.

Arte Primitivo has additional branches in Puerto Vallarta and Mexico City.

Arte Primitivo. Avenida Mexico 2766, between Ruben Dario and TerraNova.  Tel: (33) 3682-9945.


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